Publication Ethics Policy

Publication of research articles and all other forms of publications are as much bound by ethical rules and principles as are the ethical conduct of biological research.

The cardinal principles of research involving human beings have been defined in the Helsinki Declaration of 1964 and multiple subsequent amendments. (, and include:

  1. Non-Maleficence: Do no harm (Primum non nocere)
  2. Beneficence: Give benefit wherever possible
  3. Autonomy: Abide by Freedom of subjects and their Consent
  4. Justice: Be fair to all subjects; provide equity
  5. Confidentiality: Do not disclose the confidential information of subjects
  6. Fidelity: Be faithful to your subjects, not yourself in research
  7. Veracity: Be truthful to subjects, even if it means they will withdraw from a study


In addition, care must be observed for the rights of vulnerable subjects that include:

  1. Pregnant ladies
  2. The elderly and Infirm
  3. Children not able to stand up for their rights
  4. The mentally handicapped
  5. The disabled
  6. Prisoners

Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Rehman Medical Institute (JRMI) will be subject to ethical scrutiny despite the submission of an ethical approval document from a relevant authority. Standard ethical principles will be utilized to identify any breaches of research and/or publication ethics. In some cases, these may require additional documentation to be submitted, failing which the article will be declined publication.