Recognised by HEC in 'Y' category

The Journal of Rehman Medical Institute (JRMI) encourages and publishes only original work and will not accept plagiarism as an alternate; plagiarism is viewed as a resort to theft of intellectual property rights, and when detected, will elicit appropriate action in the form of rejection of the manuscript and reporting of the offence to relevant authorities nationally and internationally. Such reporting has in the past resulted in permanent debarring of the authors from any future publications on any forum; in some instances, the concerned authors have been subjected to disciplinary action and/or removal from service. The HEC policy on plagiarism mentions different levels and types of penalties that can be imposed on authors. Please visit:
Authors are responsible for checking their manuscripts through Turnitin and submitting a plagiarism report along with the manuscript submission. In any case, JRMI will check all manuscripts for plagiarism using Turnitin, keeping an acceptable similarity index of ≤15% as a cutoff for acceptance.