Recognised by HEC in 'Y' category

Authors are requested to read the Submission Guidelines and complete the required documentation to be submitted as supplementary documents along with the manuscript.
ISSN(Print): 2708-8367 ISSN(Online): 2708-8375
DOI PREFIX: 10.52442
Journal of Rehman Medical Institute (JRMI; J Rehman Med Inst.) is an initiative to introduce a high quality standard publication that highlights important research output from medical professionals of the country and around the world.
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
JRMI follows international guidelines for peer-reviewed journals as provided by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE; and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE;
The journal accepts Original Articles, Short Communications, Case Reports, Review Articles, Conference Reports, Letters to the Editor, and General Articles of medical interest. It is open to all biomedical professionals whose work has a bearing on human health and disease.