Ginseng In Dentistry


  • Sumaira Aziz M.Phil. Scholar, Department of Dental Materials, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Khyber Medical University, Peshawar
  • Saira Ahmad M.Phil. Scholar, Department of Dental Materials, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Khyber Medical University, Peshawar
  • Sahar Jamal M.Phil. Scholar, Department of Dental Materials, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Khyber Medical University, Peshawar
  • Humaira Jabeen M.Phil. Scholar, Department of Dental Materials, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Khyber Medical University, Peshawar
  • Nawshad Muhammad Associate Professor, Department of Dental Materials, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Khyber Medical University, Peshawar
  • Muhammad Adnan Khan Assistant Professor, Department of Dental Materials, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Khyber Medical University, Peshawar
  • Saad Liaqat Assistant Professor, Department of Dental Materials, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Khyber Medical University, Peshawar



Panax ginseng, sources, ginsenosides, bioactivity, dentistry uses


Ginseng is quite possibly the most broadly sold medicinal plant in the world, having been used for almost 2000 years in Asian nations, primarily as a general tonic and adaptogen to preserve the body's resilience to unfavorable conditions and homeostasis, as well as to improve physical functions. Researchers believe that ginsenosides found in ginseng, are responsible for any clinical effects of the herb. Ginsenosides are the most extensive components of panax ginseng, that are extracted through various methods and used in production of different ginseng products. Ginseng products may vary in their potential medicinal properties so ingredients of the ginseng product must be checked before purchasing. Ginseng is popular because it boosts immunological function, reduces weariness, improves cognitive functioning and also plays a role in dentistry. This article will provide a basic overview of all accessible knowledge about the ginseng plant, with a focus on the plant's uses in general and in dentistry to date.


